Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Posters...The new wave

Paper Poster are a thing of the past...
I worked together with the Gr. 6 class create digital posters on Invasive Species.
This was the students first attempt so we just used MS Word.
Here are some of the student work.    

Our next goal will be to use MS Publisher

Monday, December 2, 2013

Reading Books online

Recently my Gr. 7 & 8 class started reading The Hunger Games.  This book was for pure enjoyment and to hook some of my reluctant readers.  
I didn't want to spend money buying a class set of the book so I turned to the internet for help.  Quickly I found a free pdf copy of the book.  

My class is reading along with the audio recording.  

Online PDfs of books gives students easier access to different books
 whenever and wherever they are.  

Using Quizlet in the Classroom

Quizlet is a great online tool for teachers and students to use!
I've used it in several ways. 
One way was for students to create their own set of flashcards for themselves.  
Another way was I created a set of flashcards for students to use.  
I also used it as a centre during a French Unit.  Below is a link to a set of flashcards.

Quizlet gives students a variety of opportunities to learn, practise (through games) and to test themselves on what they have learned.  

Use Quizlet to Learn using flashcards.
There is an audio function help students with pronunciation.   

Use Quizlet to pactise.

Use Quizlet to learn through games.  
This is an example of a matching game.  

Use Quizlet to test yourself.  

In the Test section you can customize the type of questions to your needs.  

Quizlet is a great resource for ELLs.   
You can create flashcards in several different languages. 
As an option you can insert pictures to accompany vocabulary words.   

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Padlet in the Classroom

Padlet in the Classroom

In short, Padlet is a collaborative pin board.  
Teachers can create a Padlet, the students are sent the link went they have access to the Padlet.  All the students can contribute to the Padlet on a common topic.

Below is a padlet created by my class.  I created the Padlet sent it out to the class and then each student adds their own ideas on Empathy.  

If you would like to add comments on this Padlet click below

QR Codes

How to use QR Codes in the Classroom

This is the QR Code to my Kidblog.  Just use any QR Code scanner on your mobile device to scan and it takes you right to my blog.
Give it a try!
Uses in the Classroom:
1.  Use it as a communication tool - You can send home a QR that takes the parents to the class newsletter.
2.  Create a QR Code scavenger hunt - Students can scan the code where a question is revealed and students answer the question.  
3.  Use it as your choice board
4.  You can use the QR Code on any mobile

It is so easy to create a QR Code.  There are plenty of free QR Code creating websites.  Here is the link to the website that I use.  


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ontario Educational Resource Bank aka OERB

If you are a teacher in Ontario you can access The Ontario Educational Resource Bank. This Ontario Ministry website allows you to search lesson plans on almost all topic in the Ontario Curriculum.  This is great for Blended Learning.  If your a new teacher and you have no idea where to start, start here.  You will need a user name and password...it isn't hard to get one just ask your administrator.  The user name and password is generic for your school board.  Your students will have a user name and password so they can access it at home.

Friday, October 18, 2013

This Week's Art Assignment

This Week in Art...
Each student was given white card stock with a quarter circle on it.  Students individually created a their own piece.  Once they were done they found three other students and created a complete circle.  This Art activity was great in showing students the importance of independent & collaborative work. 

Powtoon - A Teaching and Assessment Tool

This is a web 2.0 presentation tool.  It is an alternative to PowerPoint and Prezi.
It is a fun new way for students to share their learning.  
Watch the following to see a short "How to."  

My Colleague created a Powtoon to use as a teaching tool.  
Click on the link below to see the Powtoon.  

Powtoon is still in beta so they are open to suggestions.  After you have used it in your classes contact them with your suggestions if you have any.  

A Study Habits Infographic

The Best (and Worst) Study Habits
Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Round 2...ICT AQ Part 2

Starting today my friend Sharon and I are embarking on the next adventure in ICT in Education!!! Very excited to learn, learn, learn (I'm such a geek) Stay tuned for more posts...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Integrating Tech into Lit

Written Book Report, still very valuable but why not put a 21st Century twist on it?!?
Making a Book Trailer is a new engaging way to create a book report.  Check out some the SlimeKids to preview some student made Book Trailers.  

Behaviour Management...Class DOJO

Last week Jamie tells me about a great online behaviour management tool and today in class he did a fantastic presentation on Class DOJO.  Since we were able to actually see his class set up in the tool, the information he presented was authentic and showed its practicality.  Jamie also shared how he used this tool and what he really liked about it.  The parent communication aspect of this tool is very appealing.  Not only is it a tool to manage student behaviour but the data collection allows teachers to use the data to communicate with parents and the students.

So in class today I set up my Grade 7 & 8 Core Class in Class DOJO.  It took no time at all and it pretty simple to navigate.  I'm pretty excited to try out this online tool.  I'll keep you posted on my experiences with Class DOJO.  Thanks Jamie for sharing.  

Class DOJO has a YouTube channel to help you launch your own Class DOJO

Blogging in the Classroom

I came across this article online and I wanted to share...

5 Reasons to use blogs in the Classroom

1.  A blog promotes writing in all areas of the curriculum.

2. A blog allows students writing in a new medium.  Its getting away from the more traditional forms of writing.

3.  A blog give students exposures to future careers.

4.  A blog give students an authentic purpose and audience.

5.  A blog becomes another form of communication for with parents.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Copyright Matters

Teachers steal and borrow all the time.  Many times we conveniently ignore the copyright laws and we hope that we don't get noticed...But truly we should be educated on the copyright laws.  Here is the a document complied by the Canadian Teachers' Federation to help us understand the copyright laws and how they relate to teaching.  Click on the link below and take a read...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Paper Slide Video

Good Morning All,
So earlier this week I posted about Stop-motion animation.  Although it's quite simple to do some may find it overwhelming.
So is a very low tech and very quick way to make a video.
The link below is a short instructional video from YouTube.


Monday, July 8, 2013

Stop-motion Animation

What is Stop-motion Animation?

A YouTube Video...How to make a stop-motion Animation

Our stop-motion animation
Enjoy this was made by Sharon, Stacy & Joanne

Who thought I would be blogging?!?!?!?!?!?

Look who has a blog folks...up and running...stayed tuned!!!!