Friday, October 18, 2013

This Week's Art Assignment

This Week in Art...
Each student was given white card stock with a quarter circle on it.  Students individually created a their own piece.  Once they were done they found three other students and created a complete circle.  This Art activity was great in showing students the importance of independent & collaborative work. 

Powtoon - A Teaching and Assessment Tool

This is a web 2.0 presentation tool.  It is an alternative to PowerPoint and Prezi.
It is a fun new way for students to share their learning.  
Watch the following to see a short "How to."  

My Colleague created a Powtoon to use as a teaching tool.  
Click on the link below to see the Powtoon.  

Powtoon is still in beta so they are open to suggestions.  After you have used it in your classes contact them with your suggestions if you have any.  

A Study Habits Infographic

The Best (and Worst) Study Habits
Explore more infographics like this one on the web's largest information design community - Visually.