Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Padlet in the Classroom

Padlet in the Classroom

In short, Padlet is a collaborative pin board.  
Teachers can create a Padlet, the students are sent the link went they have access to the Padlet.  All the students can contribute to the Padlet on a common topic.

Below is a padlet created by my class.  I created the Padlet sent it out to the class and then each student adds their own ideas on Empathy.  

If you would like to add comments on this Padlet click below

QR Codes

How to use QR Codes in the Classroom

This is the QR Code to my Kidblog.  Just use any QR Code scanner on your mobile device to scan and it takes you right to my blog.
Give it a try!
Uses in the Classroom:
1.  Use it as a communication tool - You can send home a QR that takes the parents to the class newsletter.
2.  Create a QR Code scavenger hunt - Students can scan the code where a question is revealed and students answer the question.  
3.  Use it as your choice board
4.  You can use the QR Code on any mobile

It is so easy to create a QR Code.  There are plenty of free QR Code creating websites.  Here is the link to the website that I use.  


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ontario Educational Resource Bank aka OERB

If you are a teacher in Ontario you can access The Ontario Educational Resource Bank. This Ontario Ministry website allows you to search lesson plans on almost all topic in the Ontario Curriculum.  This is great for Blended Learning.  If your a new teacher and you have no idea where to start, start here.  You will need a user name and password...it isn't hard to get one just ask your administrator.  The user name and password is generic for your school board.  Your students will have a user name and password so they can access it at home.