Sunday, May 18, 2014

Get Your Google On...Google Docs

Get Your Google On with Google Docs

Last weekend Annie Kartos and I had the privilege of workshopping other TDSB teachers  on the fabulous Google App, Docs.  
Google Docs allow students to collaborate with their classmates from anywhere in the world with only an internet connection.  For teachers, Google Docs allows us to read the students' work live and in real time.  One of the features I really like on Docs is the ability to see ALL the work the students have done.  Anyone who have editing privileges can go back and see all the revisions that have been done throughout the  process.  This is great for monitoring progress and assessing students.  Another feature of Google Docs that comes in handy for teachers who find descriptive feed back time consuming.  You can leave your feed back right online...students have instant feedback. 

Feel free to email me if you have any questions.  I'll do my best to answer them.
Happy Googling!!!